indicators = 3278649419, 3894927239, 3760485609, 3898214093, 3533087011, 3510280377, dagosèpia, 3275641873, 3509927097, 3761750985, 3533156990, tezenisù, 3533217035, 3509385296, 3509025228, 3510739414, 3791231667, 3332607273, 3510933369, 3884816433, lapidrera, 3533679440, 3791742931, 3509127992, 3271714679, 3761570451, 3291121080, gossièp, 3534568158, 3888242486, tgcom24ù, 3501936895, 3421898109, 3509617154, ristocamous, 3509932537, 3282684602, 3519436419, 3805978031, 3290428100, 3280091895, 3716396674, naughtlyblog, 3792250704, 3347343141, 3518642316, 3285392415, 3510512388, tuttosèport, metarecird, 3925551310, 3509378872, 3533970819, 3770470340, shopifyù, 3894768980, 3716167177, ezetaros, 3533946470, tgcom214, 3509592033, 3273778408, 3533026771, 3911384806, 3481948285, 3478477939, 3270067353, 3509105408, iòiad, 3313537739, inpsà, 3272599189, 3803798597, 3277682189, 3533918517, localhostù, whatsappwebù, 3516850323, 3277740233, 3420410438, 3517026921, 3517918393, 3511959740, 3511759819, gaycock4us, salernobachecaincontri, 3518931124, 3293597735, 3476749389, 3533747199, 3291240423, zanichelliù, faschimù, trapanibakeca, 3343857927, 3510978269, tgcom234, 3292935567, 3288961278, 3511220250, 3444174588, 3277930039, 3281918201, 3509040741, anninco69, 3512607897, 3277656191, 3294717494, 3278322540, milfbozen, 3716370807, 3513917902, annùnci69, 3519567818, 3513195577, 3509714050, 3497764556, 3313569927, mailchimpù, 3518246577, 3509578038, 3889713134, mondofficeù, 3289003768, 3893169420, 3511251623, 3509278911, 3511302172, 3533144814, 3245404195, 3715379007, uorcaolico, 3455025559, it00005518128, 3533645617, 3458390865, 3451410065, 3533284338, 3533281061, còlassroom, 3792951294, 3509155385, 3510682828, 3425746621, simoskiwi, 3270489638, 3533880065, ooklaù, 3276842556, 3452219689, 3203616761, paginelicirosse, 3890285485, 3533887510, 3274725819, 3279484538, 3500152048, 3792372836, skyscaù, 3896822453, 3270447637, 3343136519, 3533941139, 3491377702, 3385619941, 3511786176, 3509040247, 3444980050, 3509505243, bet365ù, 3509899449, 3792276132, 3801228263, 3509116167, 3347419862, megaescortfermo, 3534603412, 3891995822, 3883564061, 3446685718, clòassroom, 3898274625, 3509015283, 3533898652, 3509320189, 3509730986, 3511119739, 3761331972, bazoocamù, 3272728477, 3272021395, 3285868962, 3475527785, 3533855842, 3894833535, 3534629619, 3271853670, 3533560697, 3756310271, 3762230127, 3277995507, 3510673854, 3381881155, 3271466516, 3510186164, 3245660738, 3806962999, 3509042053, 3444821605, 3447087715, 3509961342, 3509133595, 3500401359, plametein, alicemailù, 3509467139, 3888080820, 3284368936, 3533161875, 3938516454, lìadige, 3509060912, 3807816189, 3663785511, 3880938880, 3791120840, 3509841727, 3481734096, 3444819358, chatgpèt, 3452261393, freepikù, 3280874443, 3516068781, 3495273729, 3487513466, 3429652285, 3509025340, 3533657901, 3896692082, misteroadel, luccabakecaincontri, 3533213584, escortqdvisor, 3792949224, 3501426089, 3509039645, 3806451255, 3290108197, 3510707071, 3533599173, lòinkedin, 3509178153, 3533778438, 3711659324, 3891862357, 3533055939, snaiù, 3425778073, 3885781726, 3509134953, 3897824729, zooplusù, 3517080905, 3761763129, 3510639148, repubbĺica, 3510987728, 3801461820, 3349215434, 3519719817, 3273397863, 3509410054, classromù, 3533872378, 3332276174, 3292969494, 3808950574, 3311844907, tinkercadù, 3509167648, lukakuù, 3716842856, 3663403508, 3895626469, 3511683707, login.mysmartenglish, 3445303244, 3271674236, 3509335625, 3714461953, 3533902552, 3509195032, 3801906352, 3533341047, 3479319525, 3510963495, 3895085317, mutuionlineù, 3501874229, hentaj20, ha400025set, 3478184615, 3498292024, 3383030574, 3428343223, 3518739892, 3806450339, 3533672673, 3509061094, 3511954950, 3773086833, 3445701341, itaòp, crazygamesù, èpinterest, 3510682717, 3295738332, 3518089673, packlinkù, 3473928372, 3716938008, daznfunbet, 3715308702, 3509582422, 3516960412, 3895744034, annuxi69, ànnunci69, 3277217949, 3349252398, 3270598949, 3494688785, 3802633621, 3888779515, 3318014125, escoradv, 3512843978, 3511648550, 3272853005, 3898537509, 3509223013, 3511946401, 3755752046, 3337840246, 3917478745, 3444839121, 3664340984, 3716998958, 3889041382, 3297397182, 3500438594, 3509344309, varesebakekaincontri, 3509660635, decathòlon, annuco69, 3512782770, 3208692181, 3339584341, 3428343245, 3333878426, 3444798809, 3890228757, 3455229820, 3761763006, 3509730910, 3896526598, scopatesincere, 3510644154, 3533062103, 3463100724, 3533884144, annuncì69, 3761917153, 3509013076, 3491012491, 3509557936, robylb93, investingù, 3511078905, 3890953301, 3271081656, asanaù, netfòlix, 3661216993, 3286488813, 3481782465, 3455348013, 3533026504, 3296141347, 3533807490, hotmaiòl, figmaù, 3509271039, 3760061750, sportitabet, 3888583554, 3534979928, 3385675546, annunciv69, 3757896630, 3509908304, 3898795876, 3510984744, 3512017898, tgcom245, 3270583104, yucideoa

Cleaning & Maintenance of 3 Different Types of Kitchen Sinks

Cleaning & Maintenance of 3 Different Types of Kitchen Sinks

There are several types of kitchen sinks and they are especially named after the major material used for their construction. By the way, some of them include:

  • Stainless Steel
  • Ceramic & Porcelain
  • Copper
  • Fireclay
  • Cast Iron
  • Granite Composite
  • Granite/Marble
  • Acrylic
  • Glass

All of these and more have their distinct characteristics. Furthermore, your choice of a kitchen sink determines proper care requirements. Unfortunately, some people are not aware of this and treat every type the same way.

In the spirit of avoiding this, this article discusses ideal clean-up and maintenance practices of a few options. So, read on to find out more.

1. Stainless Steel Sinks

Products that fall under this category are quite common among consumers for several reasons. However, impressive features such as ease of clean-up and maintenance and durability are high on the list.

Cleaning Stainless Steel Sinks

There are a few rules for properly cleaning them and these include:

Daily Clean-Up

Bleach solutions and generally harsh cleaning solutions should be avoided. Rather, mild soap solutions should be used instead. Furthermore, these options are very susceptible to water spots, which is why thorough rinsing and drying is required.

Stain Removal

Not even difficult-to-remove stains should necessitate the use of bleach and harsh cleaning agents. Rather, mild but effective options such as baking soda should be used to gently scrub off such stains.


There are specially formulated products for this purpose. However, there are also natural, yet effective alternatives. Olive oil is one such as it can be great for removing fingerprints and generally restoring shine.

Maintaining Stainless Steel Sinks

There are a few rules for properly maintaining them and these include:

  • Thorough Rinsing after Contact with Acidic Substances – That includes things like bleach
  • Avoiding the Use of Abrasive Cleaners – This includes things like steel wool. The reason is that such cleaners can leave scratches
  • Prompt Removal of Salty and Acidic Foods – Leaving salty and acidic foods for a long period on its surface can cause staining, dulling, and even corrosion

Make sure to play by these clean-up and maintenance rules. This is to make the most of this type of kitchen sink.

2. Copper Sinks

Their distinctive appearance is a major reason some people opt for them. However, this option offers more than just its impressive distinctive look. For example, it is one of the best options in terms of offering antibacterial properties, making it one of the most hygienic options.

Cleaning Copper Sinks

Some of the rules for properly cleaning copper sinks include:

Daily Clean-Up

It is best to clean its surfaces with warm water and a clean soft clean. Harsh cleaning agents should be avoided as mild dish soap is enough for the task. Thorough rinsing and drying are also important.

Stain Removal

Stubborn stains should be gently scrubbed off. This should happen with the aid of a soft sponge and a natural mixture of water and baking soda.


Specially formulated copper polish can be purchased and used for this purpose. However, there are also natural alternatives, including the use of the right mixture of baking soda and lemon juice. This is guaranteed to help restore a copper sink’s shine if done properly.

Maintaining Copper Sinks

Some of the rules for properly maintaining copper sinks include:

  • Avoiding the Use of Harsh Chemical & Abrasive Cleaners – Violating this rule can cause (possibly lasting) damage to the patina
  • Thorough Drying of Surface – It is not enough to thoroughly clean and rinse a copper sink’s surface. It also needs to be thoroughly dried. This is especially for the sake of preventing mineral deposits and water spots, at the very least
  • Allow the Self-Development of Patina – Do not force this process, to enable it to have a very unique look

Make sure to play by these cleaning and maintenance rules. You can click here for more information on properly clean-up and maintaining copper surfaces and materials, at large.

3. Ceramic & Porcelain Sinks

The fact that they are easy to maintain (if maintenance tips are known and applied) is one impressive fact about them. Additionally, they have an impressive timeless appeal and are very durable.

Cleaning Ceramic & Porcelain Sinks

Some of the rules of properly cleaning ceramic & porcelain sinks include:

Daily Clean-Up

Thorough rinsing and drying after washing is crucial. Furthermore, mild dish soap with non-abrasive sponges should be used.

Stain Removal

Gentle scrubbing of the stubborn stain with the right amount of diluted vinegar solution will get the job done. Alternatively, the right mixture of water and baking soda can be used, instead of diluted vinegar solution.

However, the choice of either diluted vinegar solution or water & baking soda should be applied on the surface of the stubborn stain for a few minutes before clean-up. Just as with daily clean-up, you should never use an abrasive sponge.

Deep Cleaning

Unlike the aforementioned options of stainless steel and copper sinks, ceramic & porcelain sinks can still handle harsher cleaning agents like bleach. As a result, bleach can be used for deep cleaning purposes.

You just have to add a cup of the solution into a warm water-filled sink. Furthermore, do not drain immediately as the mixture needs sufficient time to have the desired effect. So, you should at least leave it this way for about an hour.

Maintaining Ceramic & Porcelain Sinks

Some of the rules of properly maintaining ceramic & porcelain sinks include:

  • Being Mindful of How You Drop Sharp & Heavy Objects – These sinks can crack or chip if this maintenance tip is not adhered to
  • Avoiding the Use of Abrasive Cleaners – Although they can cope better with the effects of using harsh cleaning agents on them, it is not the same for using abrasive cleaners. As a result, do not use things like scouring pads
  • Check & Maintain Water Sealant
  • Always Make Use of Sink Protectors

Make sure to play by these cleaning and maintenance rules. For more information on properly cleaning and maintaining ceramic & porcelain sinks, you can visit:

Wrap Up

There are numerous kitchen sink types and this article would never be enough for discussing the proper cleaning and maintenance of all of them. However, proper cleaning and maintenance tips for 3 very common options have been discussed here.

On this note, people who have or use these options are advised to take these cleaning and maintenance tips seriously. This ensures that they get the best out of these kitchen sinks.

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